The endpoints in the API Reference are split along 2 axes: the type of data being fetched and the universe being fetched.

  • The bond_ endpoints cover data on government and corporate bonds, whereas the muni_ endpoints cover the US municipal bond market. The munis are split from the rest of the bonds as they have unique characteristics and data schemas.

  • The _search endpoints are meant for searching according to user-defined filters, such as maturity ranges, currency, country, etc. This endpoint will return a limited set of fields for each bond.

  • The _reference endpoints are meant for fetching the full reference data on a particular set of ISINs.

  • The _pricing_latest and _pricing_history endpoints are meant for fetching the latest or historical pricing data on a set of ISINs, respectively.

Note: by default, the content type header is set to application/json but all endpoints support text/csv as well. This content type will also bypass the default query limit of 1000 returns per request (with pagination), so we recommend that it is only used when you actually intend to download data in bulk into a csv file.

Getting started

Once you have your API key (aka Bearer token), simply head to the API Reference and starting making API calls from our interactive playground or copy and paste snippets to your local environment.