Bond Search
This endpoint returns a list of bonds with a small set of fields. It is intended for search according to the filters provided.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Maximum coupon of the bond.
Minimum coupon of the bond.
Return full reference data as in from /api/v1/muni_reference. This option requires a special account tier.
Whether to include callable bonds.
Interest types.
fixed rate
, zero rate / discount rate
, variable rate
Whether the bond is insured.
International Securities Identification Numbers of the bonds.
Maximum issue date of the bond in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Minimum issue date of the bond in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Maximum size of total amount issued (in nominal value).
x > 0
Minimum size of total amount issued (in nominal value).
x > 0
Names of issuing entities. Match partial name.
Maximum maturity date of the bond in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Minimum maturity date of the bond in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Offset for query pagination. E.g. if this parameter is 1500, results 1501-2500 will be returned.
x > 0
Sources of repayment.
, General Obligation
, Double Barrel
State codes of issuing entities.
List of response data objects per bond. Contains at most 1000 objects.
Total number of results in the database that match the query filters.